Cy,;Spirituai4 Poverty.. bour to affiid`l themfelves ; when he goes to hum- ble them outwardly , they humble themfelves; when hegoesaboutto make them poore,to weane them from the love of the world, they weane themfelves,an jóyne with God. As we, fee the Simile. 'Phyftian by hisart and skill, when he fees nature Working away, thenhewill helpe nature, till the cure be wrought : foGod gives his fpirir tochofe that, are his, to workwith him. WhenGod goes about to takethem downe, they will take downe themfelves too,and fo they grow inwardlybetter, together with their outward abatement. Thole .thereforeithat five-1l, and florme, and murnauraiitui rage, what doe . they get but more ttripesr That';get riot out of trouble by it : but if they belong to:GOd they get (tripes upon ftripes What doth :the horfe get at lait by fhaking; of his Rider that is skilfully more fpurring,and more ftrokes : fo when menare under Gods hand ahii- dtedanyway, and labour not to mike a goodufe ofit: but will pull the rod out of Gods hand, and fwell and pine, if they belong toGod, theyget more (tripes. Thereforeletus'kiffthe rod, and the hand that holds it : God is about a goodwork, let him alone; defirehim rather to fanc`ifie thevifita- don and abatement, then remove it. A gracious heart defires rather thefandlification, then there yf moveu . Not derp;fe Againe, hence we learns, not to del qe thebre- the poote., tber oflow degree:: nor we should not have thefaith ofChrist in refpetl of.per¡ens. We fhould not take Ccandall at the Church,that it is ufually in a mean G q condition d _1 ao;