Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Providence ferbes Prede/lination. 10 are br ought to a fight oftheir fpirituall wants,and thereupon to hunger after Chrift. Again; in that this outward poverty helpesto inward poverty of the foule, outward affliuions helpe the inward difpofition. hence we fee likewife this truth, that Providence is ferviceable to predefinatien and eleaïion. God in elation,bath a purpofe to call us out of theworld, to fave our foules. Providence, that is a generali government ofali things in theworld. Elation is inorder tofalvation, hebath chofen us to a fupernaturall end, and fits us for it, by calling and fan tification. Now how doth providence ferve the decree of elution e Thus, whomGod purpofeth to fave, to bring to an endabove na- ture, he diredts providence, fo that all things (hall ferve for that end ; therefore he incourageth them with outward things, or takes outward things from them (in his providence) as may ferve his purpofe inelation, to fave their foules. He bath a purpofe to fave them ; therefore providence workes all things for theirgood, Rom.8. a 8. Ail things (by the over - ruling providence ofGod) are ferviceable roahigher degreeof love that God beares to hischildren,to fervehis purpofe,tobring them toHeaven. Thereupon comes thedifpenfa- tion of riches or poverty, honour or abafement : he takes liberty for outward things concerning this life, togive, or take them, as they may ferve the fpirituallandbelt goodofhis children. Therefore Gods children when they fee God intends Obfeerv. Providence fervesprcdefli nation,