Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

toó Tu b!cfire God icrtakiuá,as w 11 a$ for g Fing. Spirituali po- verty. What it is not. 0fSpir{ttall Pobertsy. intends their good, in taken away the thingsof this life,in letting them blood(as is were)for their health, they íhouldbleffé God, as well for taking, as for giving; as Iob. did. And there is as great mercy, and love hid in taking awaybleflings, as in conveighing of them./ willleaveandafflieledand poore people. In the ©,-iginall,it is poore,and niilde, ._nd gentle; poverty of elate, and poverty offpi- rit , the difpofition of foule, çorne,almoíl inone word, nd indeedin: Godschildren-theyare jayned together : for he fandifies all difpenfations and carriages of himfelfe towards them. When Gad hath a purpofe to Cave a man, every,thing (hall helpe him homeward. And it is not abetter out- ward argument toknow amans fiate ingrace,then to fee how the carriage ofthings ferve Godspure pole to doegood to his foule : when weour felves arebettered ;in our inward man, by whatfoever befalls us, -God complaines of the,.leires.., they were as reprobate fitver, becaufe bee had melted them, and they were never a whit the better: they were likedroffe confumed in the inciting. Gods children are asgold refined; tholethat find theme felvcs refined and bettered, it is an evidence that they are Gods : becaufe there isa providence fer- ving their fpirituall good, directing all things to that end.But from their condition,wecome to the difpofition implyed,inward and fpiritual,poverty. Now this poverty is not a meere want of grace, tob poore in (pirir® is not to bee poore of that fpirir, or to bee of a poore fpirit : to be of a poore fpirit to have no ..goodneffe , no worth