Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Outwardpoverty helper zn'ard. 109 =1111111110.1.1.1......, flormes, and then he comes ina íliller voice. It is for that end that lobo Baptift comes before Chria to levell all; to call dowse theMountainel; andfill Hp the walleyes: for all mull bee laid flat to Chaff:, wemutt lay.. our felves at his feet, and becontent to be difpofed of by him,before we knowwhat belongs tobeing inChrifl: there mull bepoverty of fpirit antecedent therefore. We fee this lively Prodigaie. let out in the Prodigall forme, that while he had any thing in the world to content him, henever lookes homeward: but when he faw filch an elmp- tiAefï'e inall things he met with, that he-could not be fatisfied withhusks, then hebegan to thinkof going home,and that there wasfome.hope,he had a father that would receive him.. Iwill be short in this,`becaufe theother ismainely intended. If we would know, and difcerneby Comeevi- dences, whether we havebanepoore in fpirit,in this_preparative poverty or no. Let us confider what we have judged ofour conditionby nature: whether everwehave beene convincedoftheill.condition weare in:for ifthere be not convieiionoffiinne, therewill not be con - vietion of righteoufneffe, as youhave it, rohn a6. 10b4 16. There are three workesof theSpirit, toconvince of fn, ofrighteoufneffe, andofjudgmeot , of fpiritual% government. The. Spirit before it convinceth- us that we have the righteoufnetfe of Chriff, and convincethus ofthe neceffityofgovernment, and holy life in Chritl (which is called there, ladge- ment) he convinceth of fin, which is an ante - cedent worke. Lec us examine our felves whe- ther Evidences of this prepara- tive poverty, I Convi }ion of ournacurall condition.