® lIo 2 Sieht of omó tinefíë inall thiagt. 3 Delire )fgrace cheifly. 4 Earn:ftr.elîe. S Abating him- felfe- OfSpirituali Poverty. ther the Spirit havehad fuch a workeor no. Where this convic`fion and poverty is, a man fees an emptinele and vanity inall things in the world whatfoever,but in Chriff. And there is a defire ofthe grace and favour of God above all things. Askea poore man what he would have; he would haue that thatmay fup- ply his poverty and want. Aske aman that isfpi- ritually poorebefore he be in Chrift;what would have,: Oh mercy and pardon;offer himany thing elfe in the world, it contents him not : but that will content him, the fenfe andperfwafionof Gods loveand mercy in Chrift Iefus. Where this poverty offpirit is, there wilibea wondrousearnefineffe after pardon and mercy,and after grace,to be inanother condition : a manwill labour, even as for life. If youcome toa poore man that labours for hisliving,andaske him, why doe you labour fo ? (he will wonder at yourdle queflion)I may flarve elfe (he will fay.) A man that is fpiritually poore and fees what a Bate he is in, belabours in the ufe ofmeaner to havean in- ward fenfe of Gods love, to finde force beginnings ofthenew creature, to finde a change,to be other- wifethenhe is,he fees he muff perifh elfe; there is a prizingand efrimation inhim ofmercy, and par- don above all things in the world, and anaakirg afterir. It is alway joyned likewifewith awondrous a- bating of himfelfe : he thinks himfelfe not worth the groundhe goes on, till God path mercy c n him in Iefus Chrift. This is not fo fenfible in thofe that