Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Uf Spirituali Do'erty. III that are brought up in the Church, or that have religious thoughts put into them continually in both kindes; both concerning their owne eftate bynature, andwithal! concerninggrace andmer. cy in Chrift. Thereforegrace is inftilled into them by littleand little, and thechange is not fofenfi- ble. But where theconverfion is any thing fudden, from an ill courfe oflife to a better : God workes a poverty of fpirit beforehe bring aman to Moth s. Chrift. In Mats is the beginning ofall happi- ncffe,the bleffedneffe that leads to the reft,Bleffed are the ,poore in [irit, for theirs is the kingdome of Heaven. And indeed thofe that arepoorein fpirit, are blefl'ed, though they havenot yet the fenfeof G ods love fomuch as they defire: for thisdrawes on all the refi (as I fhall thew afterwards )To be poore in fpirit therefore, is to fee that we have no good in our felves, that weare beggers and bank- rupts, and have nomeanestopay, or fatisfie: and this {firs up delire, and the ufe ofmeanes and all thequalifications thatfollow there, Hungring and thirfling after righteoafneffe, andmourning,and ineek- nt(e. For this will follow; a man that is poore in fpirit, fay what youwill to him, heis fo traitable and meeke; let God doewhat he will with him fo he give him grace; if he will canhim downe, fo be it. what(hall we doe tokefaved?Implying a ply - ableneffe to takeany courfe, he is willing to do or to fuffer anything. And indeedthere muff be fuch apoverty of fpi- rit, (before we can beleeveinChr:fl)whercbywe this e4erti` ovy °f of may beconvincedofourdebts,and ofour unabi ryi:icp, crcy lity