11L I Elfe we will not repaire to Chrift. 2 Not thankfall. Not fruitful!. a Car, I. Cora II. Thewantofit the ground of apoftaey. Outward, PoVercy helpes inUrd lity to pay.rhofe debrs, and ourmifery, that -we are in danger ro be cat} into eternall,bondage for them, there mutt be this before : for elfewe will never repaire toChtift, nor Gods mercy inhim. The foilAmuckdefpifith an by combe, we will not relifh Chrift,norvalue himas we thould. Thena zainewithout this we will not be thank- full to God as we should be: who is thankfull to God, but he that fees before what needhehands in of mercy, and ofevery drop of theblood of Chrif}± And then we . will notbe fruitful': for who is fofruir.full a .Chrittian as bee that is thankfullt andthisdepends upon theother,AChriftian that was never truly cart dowse, and laid low by the fpirit of bondage, he is a barren Chriftian: theo- ther having raftedof the loveof God in Chrift, the'very,leve41'60 confrainshim andhe ftudies to be abundant in the works ofthe Lord, as S. Paul faith,and everyway to'hewforth the vertues ofhim that bath coiledhim out ofdarAsneffa into marvello#s laghi. Againe,this is ehc-ground(whenmen are not fuf- tcientlyhumbled before) that they fal awaydan- geroufly;itis the ground ofapoftacy,bccaufethey did nor feele the fmart offin. He that bath blur- ted for hisettatebefore,&knowes what it is tobe in fucha condition, he will be loth ever tocome into the prifon againe. Therefore the groundof careful' walking is a fenfe of our unworthineffe andmiCery:the more we are donvincedofthis, the more cárefull and watchfull wee will bee, that we