Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Spirituali Poverty after Eonver f on. , 113 wenevercorm into that curled condition againe. And indeed it is an errour in the foundation which is not mended in the Fabrick(aswe fay) when there is anerrour inpovertyoffpirit at the Ertl, whenthe work of humiliation is not kindly wrought; hence is the defe& in all the wholecar- riage ofa Chriffian.The foundationof Godsbuilt ding lies low, he digs deepe: God layeshis foun- dation oft times, as low as Hill it felfe (in a man- ner) He brings his children to fee that that bee meanesthey thall sever fele, to fee his wratha. gaintt fin, that fohe may buildupon this founda- tion. For Chritlianity it is an excellent frame, it is a frame foreternity, a building forever ; there- fore it muff have a lure foundation whichmuff be laid in humiliation and povertyof fpirir. Aner- rour in the fiatdigeftion isnotamended in the fe- cond; if that be not good, thereif are .naught ; if therebenot found humiliation, nothingwill bee found afterward. Therefore we ihouid defire, that God byhis fpirit would helpe us moreand more to know what we are inour felveS,that we mayget tobewhat wearein Chrift. But there is a continual) frame anddifpotiition' offoule, which is a poverty in fpirit, that accom- panies Gods children all the dayes oftheir life, till they be in heaven, till they enjoy that riches that is laid tip there for them; and that is efpecial- iy here meant. And indeed it is an ingredient into all the patfagesoffal'vation. For in lufification there muff be a poverty of 1pirit,to makeus fee that there is no righteoufnetfe Hh S It is the entire ofall naifcar Liage. 2 Spirituali po- verty after convention. In all palttges ofour life. I. In jttiliitcation