114 Spiritual' Poverty after Conver f on. Pbil. 3. 2 In fanai&cati. on. fob's I. in our felves, or that can come from us, that is able to hand agaiaft the Law, andagainst the ju- ftice of God : all isdefiled, andfpotted, and un- anfwerable. And upon this poverty, and appre- henfion of what is defeEtive inour felves, comes an admiration of that righteoufneffe of God in Chrfi (for it is ofGods devifing,and of Godsap- proving, and of Gods working,Chriftbeing God and man) to forceusevery day to renewour right in the righteoufneffe of Chrift, and to be found in him. There is fuch a povertyof fpirit, as to ac- count all lofhe and drof e, and nothing, to beewil- ling to part withall tobee found ins Chrifi,;not ha. ving our one righteoufneffe, but thewhich is of God in chrifl, as Paul divinely fpeakes, Phil.,. So it is neceffary inthat mainepaffage (of juftification) to beepoore in fpirit t hat is, to fec adefeá in our owne righteoufneffe,toRandoppofite to Gods ju-' ftice, who is a consuming )sire : it issequifite in re- gard of ourdaily livingby faith in juftifiçation. In the whole co-ateof fan%tificátion,theremutt of neceffitybee povertyof fpirit ; that is, a fenfe, that wee have no Sari ifyinggrace ofour felves, but wee muff fetch it from the falneffe of Chrift; whofe fulneffe' is forus : ofhh ftlnefewee receive graceforgrace. The:groundof this i , that now ip thecovenant ofgrace al is ofgrace,both in jwfiif#cation andfan - EtifiCation,all is of grace,nothin, but grace. God hath fet himfelfe to get the glory ofhis free grace and mercy now inIe us,Chrift; ., Thereforeas our falvation .is, wrought ()it of usaltogether, by our furety