Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Spiritual' Poverty after Converlion. 115 furety, the fecond c..4dam, Chrift f fo our righte- ou1neffe is altogether out of our felves, whereby wee appearc righteous before God. It is his, and given to us bymarriage ; beingone with him,his righreoufneffe is ours. And likewife in himwee have the principle of all grace : he is the principle of our life, the root and foundation offpiriwall life and fantification. Without mee you codee no thing. So that in Chriff we haveall that concernes our fpirituall life in fm&ification and juififrcation, becaufe it is aftareof grace. Adamhad it in him - felfe, though Godat the firft clothed himwithhis image : yet not withftandinghe had not fuch a ne- ceffity,as wehave,togoe toaryl forall : but now in the:fecorrd tí¢damChrikwemuft°fetch-grace for every thing from hiiri Therefore theremuff be poverty in regard oEour knowledge ; wehave no fpirituall knowledge ofour felves : andpoverty in regard of ouraffec`Iions ; weehave no joy, no peace, nocomfort ofour felvesno delight ingood things, nor no ftrength to them ; we have allfrom Chritt. By grace(faith theApoftle) lonwhat .1 am : 2 COY. s r. as if grace had given him hisbeing, his forme (as we . fay) Indeed-fo it doth : gracegives a Chriflian his forme, and being, his worke, an$risworking : for all working is from the inwardbeing and form of things. By grace wee are what weare in juf}ifi- cation,and workewhat wework-in-fanäification, it is bywhat we have freely fromChrift; therfore in that refpect there mutt be poverty of fpirir. nerverty of foi. Nay, T faymore, inevery action when wee are Tit need"' in the ítate of grace, and havehad the beginnings to everyholy 22ion. fi h 2 of