116 Simile. Spiritual) puberty after Converfiau. of the new creature in us, thereneeds pover ry of 1 fpirit, in regardofour owne inability topertorme every aEtion. For even as it is in our forme, the life and foule, there isa need of it in every moving and ftirring : fo there isaneedofthe fpirit ofgrace (which is as the forme, and life, and beingof a Chriffian)to every holy action; Inhim we dive, aad mow, 4ndheve ear being, faichthe Apottle. [In him:.]that is, in God reconciled to Chrift, we have not only oui being ; that is, our forme: but in him we live, and mew ro every particular ad. We are no wifer in particular things, then God makes us on the fiidden.: the wifeffman w!il bea fool-, if God leave Eratohis owne wit. We are no fironger in every particular ad that needs firength, then God fupplies us with fpirituall ftrengch. Weareno holier,then Godby his Spi- rit thins onus, andraifeth ourfoules, in particu- lar actions. Sothat it is not only neceffary,that we have graceat the firft to makeus Chriftians; but we mutt have a perpetual! regiment of the Spirit, fromwhencewe mufthaveaninfltrence to every particular ad. Though we have grace, yet we cannot bring forth that grace toadwithout new grace. -Evenas trees, though they be fitted to beare fruit , as the Vine, &c. yet without the influence of the Heavens, they cannot put forth that fitneffe in fruit : fo though webe fitted by the Spirit ofGod, yet we cannot put itforthtopari- rularacts when occafion ferves, without the influ- ence ofHeaven topromoteand firrtherthat grace, and applying our fpirits to everyholyaëtion by removing b