Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

$pirituall Poverty after Convert-ion. 117 removing the impediments that would hinder it, adding new fupplyand ftrength tohelpe grace. If the temptations bee too firong, as fometimesthey are,formergrace will not fervewithout anew fup- ply of ftrength. As he that may carry a leffer btlr- then,cannot carrya greater without newflrength: fo in every temptation there is required more flrength then the former ; and in everynew a1ion there isrequired, not only a continuance of grace, but afrefh fupply of ftronger grace. And for want of this, thebell of Gods Saints have fallen foulely. Though they have had grace in them, yet notwithfianding theSpirit bath left them to themfelves in regardof new fupply, be- caufe they have beene conceited, they have not beene poore enough in fpirir. As Peter, he was conceited, ofhis owne ftrength, Though all iwetrfir_ fake thee, ytt i ni:llnot. This conceit moved God in mercy (as well as in juflice,) to leavehim to himfelfc, that byhis fall hemight learne to ¡land anothertine, and not truft hisowne ftrength. The belt of us all, Ifay, When there is any thing to bee dorre,wehadneedofafrefh influenceofgrace,and a frefh light toThine uponus. It fhould force perpetuall povertyof fpirit, to fee the want that is in our ¡elves, and the fupply that is out of our felves, and tomakeufe of that by going out of ourfelves, and making towards him,inwhom is all our fupply. Inall our commu- nion wehave withGod (which is the happineffe of our eftate) this frame and difpofition of foule, to bee poore in fpirit, it isneceffary in every ad. Hh 3 Even Rearon of the fats of Gods children.