Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

A.. iigi Spfrituall Poverty after Gonverfioti Wee cannot Even in our very prayers for grace, weare fo void pray for grace of it, that wee want ability to call for what we of our felves. want. We muff have that from theSpirit,not on- ly grace, but that difpofition of foule whichcar- ries us to God : a fpirit fitting us topray, that nïuff bee alto given us, weeknow not what to call for. Wee of our felves are fo poore, that wee not only want grace and ability to anion, but we havenot ability to aske : but Gods fpirit 'muff dilateour prayers,and giveus motions,and makeus fenfible of Our wants, and mutt finable our faith to cherifh thofe graces, and mike us' goeout of our felves even in our very prayers;- What a flare is 'this then ! Had wee not need tobee poore in fpirit all our life'time, that 'have not fo much asability to goe Out of our felvesforfupply from another, but that`rn come fromChilli too As' S. 4ugsßin vlugufisn. who was a great advancer of the'graeéof Go b and anabafer ofman,he had indeed S. ?awlsfpirit ; faith hee, vote fhouldboafandgloryof-nothing, becaufe nothing is ours. Wehave needof thispo- verty of fpirit in the whole tenureof our Chrifli- atr life. sraatualt po Againe, in theactions of this life, how pitiful- vetty,needfull ly doeweemifcarry; becaufe we thinkeweehave in a'cions of wit and ftrength enough, and fet upon things in this life. our okvne wit and ftrength, wefpeed,'andhaire fiicceffeanfwerable. Where the beginning iscón- fidence, the end is fhame, ofany bufineffe,evenof this }ife. What is the reafon that oft times the *great andWeighty btrfineffesof this life, have not anfwer; b e f tcceff'e :'' Many times it fais outfo, as óne