Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Spjrituall Poverty after Convertion. 119 one raid of generali Councels, they feldome were fucceffefull, becaufe men come with confidence and wit for viìory, rather then truth. Certainly there is leffefucceffe ingreat matters, becaufe men come with (elfe confidence.Therefore it is a good ligne that God means tobleffe great bufineffes, when hee puts it into thehearts of thofe that are agents in them, to feeke hind in the affaires of this life. We mull bee poore in fpirit, to fee that the carriage and fucce% comes fromhim. Well fo it is in fu Feting likewife; we cannot fuffer the leafl croffeof our felves, but withmur- muring and repining, without flrength fromhim. When. oJs. game to the watersof"rift, Mefes fpirit WaS,difcovered .; hee could not endure the harfhneffe and rebellionofthepeople. AChrifti- an comes fometires to fuch oppofition, that his fpirit isrnoved,ánd he difcoversmuch corruption. It is fowitb4e beff, nen, oven Mots, a meek man, when he had fuçh temptations and provocations, it moved him. . 1Sïçc ?uft labour to get agreater ipirzt th.. ur ow4c,, to.have the fpirit ofGod to work this fpirituallpovkerty in us. This po grty of fpi ,ás'wecall it, is,,fpirituale v4cuu0, fpiritvall cmptianae. You know inPhi- j lofophy,thereisnothing empty in theworld, but it is filledeither with aire, or force kind of body and to avoide the enemy of nature, emptinefie, things will change their feat ; heavie things will goe upward, and things that are above, will come below to avoid emptineffe, that iscontrary tona- ture, there being a fulnefle of thingswiai one bo Hh4 di, Spirituali p- utty in fu@e- ring,