Sitnes of Spirituali Poverty. fpirit: for if a manbe fenfibleof his wants, you need not fupply him withwords. If a poore te- nant come to aLand-lord, and findhe batha liard bargaine, let him alone for telling his tale; I war- rant youhe will lay open the flare of his wifeand children, and the ill yearehe hath had, he will be eloquent enough. Take any man that is fenfible of his wants, and you shall not need to dithte words to him. There is no man that batha hum ble and broken heart, (thoughhebe never fo illi- terate) but he will havea large heart toGod in this kinde. Againe, there is a care ofufing all meaner. Where poverty is, there will bee a making out of our felves unto places where G o D beflowes any riches. They that arepoore, 'andhave noviauals at home, they will goe to marker,ratherthan they will flarve : and thole thatfind in themfelves want ofgrace and.comfort 5 furely they will goe out of themfelves, they will goe toGods market, they will attend upon themeans. He that is like to be arreffed for debt, and hath nothing at home, it is time for him to feekeabroad for fupply : fo when aman is poore fpiritually, ready to bee fnared and carched ineverything,for want offpirituall grace, he will labour for firength. in the ufe of all means. Therefore thole that are of a LaDdiceian flamp,that thinke there is too much preaching, and too much hearing, and toomuch reading; andwhat need all this adoe Alas, they were never hum bled, theywere never fenfible of their Date byna I tore, nor are notyet inthe Dateofgrace : for the foule 2 Vfe of meanes.