Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

122 ThankfEalßeA'e. knes of Spirituali Poverty. foule of a true Chiiflian is alway in the frate of fpirituall poverty , as that it reli(het.h fpirituall meanes, and isnot fedwith husks. A foule that is fpirituaily poore,will d,fiäerne in theufe ofmeans, this is flourifhing, this is for theBare, this is con- ceits ; alas it comes forfood for fupply. A poore foule that findes the want of grace, and f}rength, andcomfort, itjudgeth of themeanes by what it findes ; therewill be a ufe of all meanes,and like- wife forme ability to tafle wherethere istrue po- verty of fpirit. Againe, where this inward povertyof fpirit is, it will make Gods children wondrous thankful! and thankful fora littlegrace. Apoore reran that, is fenfîbleof hispoverty, will be more thankful! for a penny, then another man for apound that hath money of his owne. A foule that fees thewant of grace, and wi.thall fees theexcellencyofgrace is thankful! to God that hee.will . workeanything in fuch a pooredefiled fouleas hee is; thathee will worke any good motions, any good affedions, any degree of faith, that he will givehim anyafï'u- raneeof falvation. Ohheethinkes, what a good God is this ! Hce breakes our with theApoftles, Peter and Paul, that had both beenefinners them- felves and found grace , oh they were much in thankefulnefíe 1 BIeJedbe Godthe father ofeur Lord Iefus CbriIi,&c. A thankful! foule is a poore foule, and a'poore foule isalway a thankful!foule. Hee that is poore hee knower hee hathiittle, and de- ferves little : thereforeknowing that heedeferves nothing, he is thankful! for, and content with any thing