Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Signes of Sptrítuall Poverty. l2 thing : a humbleman is alway thankfull, and that is the realon that Go D may have hisglory from him, bee is forced fometimes to humble andabate him, bee fhould haveno facrifice fromhim elfe. A proudman, a conceited man, fo dotes upon his owneworth, hee forgets the giver, he makes him- felfe an idoli to him: therefore fuch,they are ufur- pers of what they have, they enter upon G o D s bleffings, not confidering from whom they have them, nor for what end theyhave them. They deny Godhis tribute ofthankfulnetfe, becaufe they areproud : but aman that is poore in fpirit,heen- ters uponall by titleof gift, and receives all from God inthe formeofa poore man: therefore what- foeverhee háth,hee returnes thankes for it againe. An unthankful) fouletherefore is aproud foule : a thankfull foule, is anhumble abated foulealways and the` ore humble andempty the foule is, the more thankfull it isforevery degreeof grace and comfort. Againe, a foule that is thus difpofed, that is poore in fpirit, it is willing to refine it felfe ro Chtìtfs"government, with felfe-denyall:of any thing,it is able to doeof it felfe : it isready to fay, Lords, I`have neitherwit of mineowne togoverne my felfe,nor any firength andability ofmine own, therefore I put my felfe upon thygoverment, I defire''eo follow thy light, and to goe on in thy ftrengeh. There is alwáy a retignation to Chrifts government, and that in fare and trembling : for whomwe refigneour felvesunto, finely wee will have a care notto difpleafethem-. A dependant life Selfe-dcnyall.