Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

124 Feare of offen ding God. Sîanes of Spiritual' Povertyo life is alway an awfull life : for whenamanbath refigned himfelfe to thegovernement of another, and knowes hee muff depend upon him, hee will have a care not to difpleafe fuck an one : for hee thinkes; if I difpleafe him, hee will withdraw h-is maintenance, and countenancefromme, and then what am I.r fo the foule that thinkes it bath all from God,and from thefpirit ofChrift;it refignes it felfe to the fpirit of chrifl,and withall,it is won- drous fearefull not togrieve anddifpleafe the Spi- rit : for hee thinkes withhimfelfe, my life is but a dependant life, mygraces arebut dependant : let Godbut withdraw the beames ofhis Spirit,and I finke; let him withdraw his comfort and his ftrength, what am I ! nothingbut darkenefl°e, and deadnefle, and confufion. Thofe therefore that give not themfelves up to Chas government, but are governed by rules of policy, by theex- ampleof others, and have baledependance upon .others; they know not whatfpirituall povertyis : they fee there is a,fuíficiency in themfelves to rule and governe themfelves, as if Chrifts wifedome were not Efficient; they are not fo difpofed as the Apoflle requires, theyworke not eattheir fal- vationwith f Bare andtrembling,becaufe Godgives the will and thedeed. Themeaning is this, wee fhould worke out our falvation with a holy feare and trembling, ajealous feare, a fonne-like feare, left we difpleafeGod: why r hegives both the wigAnd thedeed; heegivesboth the will to doegood, and whenhe bath done t hat, he gives the abilityofthe deed it felfe. We cannot doe any thing : therefore we s