Sines o/ Spirrtuatlpoverty. we had need to w,ilke in anawfull c ondition,and not diîpleafe him 'in any thing, lefthe withdraw the affiftance of Yris Spirit , and leave us to our Elves, and then we ihall fall to hisdifáonour, to the difcredit of rdligion,to the wafflingofour own comfort., and the advantageofSathan. Thisis the temper of a man that is poore in fpirit, he gives hi.niclfe np to Chrias government, anddepends upon it,and thereupon he is wondrous fearefuIl to drpleafc him inany thing. There arc a company that know not what be- long to this, that hope tobe ravedbyChrifû,and yet they will grieve the Spirit they will venture into anypLce, uponany figh*, intoanycompany: butifever they hadbeeneacquaintedwith thego- vernment of Chrifhs Spirit ,. they would know what it was togrieve theSpirit, and the Spirit would grieve themtoo: is isa=fìgne' they,he,nat theSpiritiofCod;becaufehë_dcrh' notcheekthem when theyhave done. Therefore your adventu- rous careleffe perlons, that are indifferent forall things, for all companiesand places, that do not watch over themfeives, andover their wordsand carriage, theyhaveir©tthis poverty offpirit: for then theywould know what it were to difpleafe God in any thing, towalke andto freak loofely, becaufehereby they grievethe fpirit , and would prefently finde, either wane in-graceor comfort. Jlsere !snot oneof toany that areacquainted wit h the natureofthis fpiricuall communionwith Ga.%. and therefore they doe not enjoy the happineffe that thofe doe,Fwhoáare thusiqualified , that are poore in fpirit. Agfne, las