126 ( Signes of SpirátrEaa Povercy. Traftable. 6 Vpbraids riot others. 7 Moft humbled for fpitituall Wants. Againe, a manthat ispoore in fpirit, isvery tra. &able, as it is inEfay, A child !hag lead them. The Lamband the Lionfhall feedtogether, &c. and a Child Mall lead them : that is, fuch an one you {hall lead him with'any counfell (let the perfonbe never fo meane,) having fmarted for his fins, and-his owne counfell and wayes, achild ,lhallleadhim; that is, any man fhaii lead and move him co that which is good, heflands not upon termes. And alway heethat ìspoore infpirit, hee isno upbraiderof other wens wants;he is morefenfible of his ownerthenthat hefees inother men : hee is not prone toupbraid and objetagainft them their wants . and., conditions, hee is fo takenupwith the fenfe of his ovine. And laflly,he that ispoore icï fpirir,is humbled in himfelfe for fpiriiuálf''wants : notfomuchforout- ward things, bagbecaiafe hehathhotalai ,e heart to:God, becanfd ift te's kniaitienceit,bacaure he findsmot that hca ten indcd teffe,and fizength, togoe through theduties that Godrequires; that his ftelli is fo backward, thefe things abafe him, andbring him onáris knees, and not fo muchout- ward things and :anlwerably hee lookes for fpiti tuall fupplya When a man is humbleand poore in fpirit, he is notabafed with any outward thing, that that he would have is mercy and grace. The Apoflle when heewouldpray!for all happineffeto the Churches, heprayesforgrace, mercy,andpeace; for as they are more fenfible of their fpirituall wants, fo they areçarryed in their defires after that` that maygivethan fatisfktion-that way. Let: