Godlinefre a Myflerie. him that is Truth it felfe? Hee bath fayd it; therefore Reafon it felfe fayth, it is the greateft reafon to yeeld to God , who is Truth it felfe therefore Faith flands with the greatefl: reafon that can be : For things have a greater being in Gods Word, then in themfelves, and Faith is above Reafon; therefore it is the reafon of rea- Ions, to beleeve when we have things revealed, in the Word : that is one ufe of Reafon in My fteries, to flop the mouthes ofgaine-fayers by Reafon, to Phew that it is nounreafonable thing to beleeve, Againe, feeing it is a Myfferie, let no man de- fpaire : It is not the pregnancy of the Scholar here, that carryes it away ; it is the excellencieof the Teacher : ifGods Spirit bethe Teacher, it is nomatter how dull the Scholar is, it is a Mÿferie. Pride in great parts is a greater hinderançe, then fimplicity iii meaner parts : Therefore Chri;f, in Mat. ix. he glorifies God, that hèe had revealed thefe things to thefìo'fle, and concealed them from the proud; Lernoman deft,a ire ; for the Statutes ofGod give underftanding to the /mple as the Pfal- mift fayth. God is filch anexcellent mightyTea- cher, that where hefinds no wit, he car caufew it : He ha,ha priviledge above other Teachers hee doth notonely teach the thing but he gives wit and underftanding; It is a Mviterie: therefore as none fhould be fO proud , as to thinke to breake thorow itwithwit and parts, fo let nonede tpairc; confidering, that God canrtyfe fhallowrar.d weak wits toapprehend thìsgreat Myfferie. Ir z; -Pfe. 61 Not to de- ipureoflear.. pingReligion. 01211. It. PjalI9.