t;o Of Spiritraall rPoverty. from Chriít. He is poore in himfelfe, but he hath riches enough in'Chrift, if he fee his ovine pover. ty. He is a finner inhimfelfe, but he hath rights- oufneffe enough in Chrift, ifhe fee his fins. Let us know that this is a qualification to intereft us in the good that is in Chrift : we renewour right inChrift nootherwife thenwe renew the fenfeof our owne poverty andwant. Would we feeall in Chrift,that we have riches and wifdome,and hap. pineffe, and favour, and life, and all inhim( With the fame fpirituall eye ofthe foule, let us feethat we have nothing inour felves : for I can no other- wife renew that rightand intereft I have inChrift, but by renewing this fight ; wealtogether thine in thebeamcsof our Husband. The confideration ofthis will bea meartes toworke our care, and en. deavour towards it, that we are creatures, new creatures, and thereforewe mull rife ofnothing in our felves, and wemuttbe maintainedand fuppor. ted by thenew Adam, thefecondAdam, and have frefh grace from him continually we moveapod live in him, as I laid before. Againe, that we may bePoore in fpirit, helpe our felves, with prefenting toour - felvesabating, . emptying confiderations.Whatbe they c Among thereti, refle t our mindes back towhat wewere before God (hewed mercyuponus; howunprofi- tably we fpcnt our-dayes i whata deale ofgood we left undone that we might havedone. For the preferit, confider the imperfefiions that hang upon us, wherebywe evendefile thebell performances that come from us; let ushave in theeyeofour foule trefe3to oux felves abafing confiderationse a. For the eime -' 'pa{fa. 2.; IFor the ptefent