Of Spirituali Poverty. foule prefented our fpeciall corruptions for the prefent. For the time to come let usprefent to our foules what will become ofus ere long,that for outward things, that nature is prone to be highly conceitedof, they fluff lye in the duff , thefe bo- dies of ours mutt lye low in the duff, all other things muftbe taken from us, and we from theth, we know not howBone; let us oft think and confiderof the vanity ofall things, whatwill all things be ere long t' They mutt all come tono- thing, the fire will confume all that is glorious in the world;there will be no excellency but the ex- cellencyof Chrift, and his church,and children, and thinke of the day of Iudgment, what will Band for currant then; thinke of the time of our diffolution, how we thallapearebefore Chrift, what wehave in us thatwill give us confidence at that day,and rime,to looke upon him with com- fort, that thofe thoughts of the time to come, of death , and Iudgment, andeternity , may not be irighfull tous. The confederationof thefe things will makeus to looke about us, and makeus indeed poore in fpirit. Efpecially let us confider what our profeffion requires of us; not by the law, let that goe : but what in the covenantofgrace we thould be,& are not,itwill flumethe bett ofus. Alas, howmuch good might we havedone,that we havenot!How have we failed in bringing honour and credit to our profeffion ? How barren have wee beene in good unwatchfull over our thoughts and fpeeches, wherebywe have Rained ourreli- 2 gion 131 For the tirite tocome. What ourpro. fe(ïion re. quires.