1;t Two graces al wayes reyuiate Of Spiritual) poverty. gion, and our confciences, and grieved the Spirit of God. Let us confider how fhort weare ofthat we might have bccne, and this will bring inward flume and confufion of fpirir, fromwhence this temper of poverty of fpirit comes. Confider of chele things and enlarge them in your owne medi-. cations. There is not a more fruitfull (pendingof our thoughts(next to the confideration of Chrift, and the riches we have in him) then to confider what we are inour felves: that we may bein aper- petnall difpofitionoffoule, fit to receive thegood that is tobe had in Chrift. Two graces are the minegraces that muff go alongwith us all thedayes ofour lives: this grace to go out ofour felves, and another gracetogo to another, that is better then our felves, in whom lyes our happineffe. That we maygoout ofour felves, and the creature, and all that is in the crea- k ture, povertyoffpirit is necefl'ary, to feethat there is notthat in our felves,chat will yeeld a foundati- onofcomfort;and povertyoffpirit fees that there is not that that we poffeffe in thecreature that will Bandour. The creature, that isa particular good, for a particularcafe, to fupply a particular want , and but for a time, it is fading and outward : but the comfort we mulehave, it muff be fpirituall and univerfall, to give contentment to the foule. The confideration of thefe things will force us to go out of our felves, this povertyoffpirit, that wee have not enough tomakeus happy. The Heathen men by the ufe ofdifcretion and knowledge, had fo much to fee, that thereis nothing in the world ro