Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

God mull be trued i, . 133 co make man happy; the negative pare they knew well enough : but there muff be another grace to carry us to apoffirive happineffe,where that lyes, and that is the grace of trust chatfollowes. f wi/ leave in themiddeft of thee an afflrlled andpoore pea- ple,t bar Thal bediípofedand prepared by their out- ward poverty, to inward fpirituall poverty, togo out of themfelves to Chrift, to truft in him. And theyfhall Craft in the name of theLord. This is the carriage of thefe poore and affliìed people. They (hall eraft in the nameofthe Lord. God bath no delight in affltáinghis children, he ¡oyes anddelights in the profperity of his chil- dren; it is our finfull nature that forceth him to aflliEt us, that he may weaneus from the world , becaufe we are prone to furfeit upon things here below, All thatGod cloth is that we may truft in him, which we would never doe,unleffe he did af- IliEt us and makeus poore in fpirit; but when we areafiaed andpoore in fpirit and havenothing at home, we will make out abroad,as people in ne- ceffrty will doe : fupply muff be had, either at home, or from without; and when the foule is beaten and driven out of it fclfe (which requires much ado) then we are fit for thisbleffed att,here fpokenof, to truft to the name e f theLord. And the one is an evidence of the other. How (hall wee know that we are fufficientlyhumbled, and made poore in fpirit % whenwe trust in thenameof the Lord. In the unfoldingof therewords,take thefe for grounds which I will but name. I i 3 Firft