Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

13¢ óod mull be trufted in. oófcrv. God is trolled as knovrtie. Firit, that naturally every man will have a truft inhi ¡nfclfe, or out ofhimfelfe. S.condly, that God is the trial} of the Poore man; what he wants in himfelfe, he bath in God : God is the Rock or the Cattle to which he retires, he bath fupply in him. The third is,rhar God is trujiedas he is knerrne. They (hall truft in the name of the Lord. For God can be no otherwise trufted , then he bath made his will knowne. ' It is prefumptuous bold- neffe tochallenge any thing ofGod that we have not a promife for; or to attribute that to him that he is not: God is therefore milled as he bath made himfelfe by fume name knowne to us. He hash made himfelfe knowne by his attributes, by his nature and efl'ence, iehovah, and by hs word, and the prómifes in his word : forhis word is one of the beft & fweeteft na'rnes whereby he hath made himfelfeknowne. The name of God is glorious in all the world,in the crcation,anddcvery creature bath a to-gue, ro film forth the power, and wif- dome, and goodneffe of God : bit what is this to us if we know not the will of God toward us r There is the name of God difcovcred, what he is in himfelfe, fomrhing of his power and wifdome, &c. But what he is to us, gracious and merciful], and f weet, that we mutt gather out of the difcove- ry ofhis owne breafi. He mutt come out of that light that none canattaine unto, and difcover himfelfe as he hash done in h s word : and by this name of God; his word, we come to-makew1e ofhis other narrrec.