Godmuftbetruedin. a Chriftians life; fo we (peak of it as a fruit rather that comes from faith. Andwee may know our cru in thenameofthe Lord, being now conceiv- ed as a gracious Father in Chrift, clothed with the relation ofa father: for fo we muff trial him, not God abfolucely ; for there is notomfort in an abfolute God, Mina from his relations : but when we apprehend him in relation, as a Tweet Father in Chrift, in that name, then the nature of God is lovely tous, betweene whom and us there was an infinite diftancebe.fore, NowChrift be- ing Emanuel, God with us, bath brought. God and us together in termes of league. Now our nature is lovely to God in Chrift, becaufe.it is taken to the unityofhis perfon, and. Gods nature is lovely tous, having made himfelfe a father in Chrift hits beloved Sonne.Therefore when wefpcak ofGöd, our thoughts muft runne uponGod as thus cone ceived, as clothinghimfelfewith theTwee -t terrne of Father, our God in covenant, wemat foap- prehend him. Nowone evidenceofthis truft in this or God, is a care to plealehim in all things. When wede- pend upon anymen, wee have a care to p-leafe them. A tenant that fearesto be thruft out, will (trive to pleafc his Landlord. Wethaholdall 'upon this tenure, upon faith and truft in God, we fhould feare todifpleafe him. And therewill be likewifean ufe of all manes to ferve Gods providence and careof us, ifwee truft in him ; or elfe it is a tempting and not a mi- ffing. There are no menmore careful' of the ufe , of 137 God,how con-1 coved the 0b- jeft of malt. Evidcr_'e of traft in God. 2 A care to tleafc hi zt. 2 Vfe of means.