Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

8 God mull be trufled in. 3 ft quiets the Coule. ofmeanes then chofe that are furelt ofa good iffue and conclAioa; for the one airs up diligence in the other; atfurance of the end,ftirsup diligence in the meanes. For the Towle ofa beleeving.Chrifian knows that God hath decreed bth,both fall un- der the lame decree whenGo'd,pnrpofed to doe f .ch a thing, he purpofed todo it by fuch and fuch ineancs. Truft therefore is with diligence in the tefe ofall meanes that God hath ordained. H that r frs a Phyficians.skill , will be very.carefull to obferve what was prefcrlbed, and will omit no- thing. Ir is but prefumprion, it is not truft where there is not a cap e in the ufe of meanes : as wee fee many pretend to truit in God,and lever themeans from the end , they are regardleffe of the meanes of falvation. Againe, thole that truft in God, they are quiet when they have tired the meanes. Faith hath a quieting power, it hath ,a power to fill the foule, 'and ro take up the qparrels, and murmuring, and grudginge that are rhere,and ro let the foule down quiet: becaufe it propofeth to the foule greater ground; of c.)mfort, then the foule can fee any éaufeof difcom fort ; the -foulebeing reafonab.le , yeelds to the frrength ofthe reafon. Nowwhen faith propounds grand comforts againft all díf- çouragements lwhatfoevOt',ychatfovercornes them, that is g eater in the way,-ptcomforr., then ocher things in the way of;difcouragemenr, the foule is quict,it hopes comfort will be had, the foule is ?rat 43- filent nçi at ref}. We fee in, Prd.;43. when there was a;ntp» my in pavi4 foule, oreafon ofthe pelexed