Clod mu/t be tru.fted tn. 139 perplexed ft,ite he was in; he fats a chiding down right with his Coule, Why art thou difyxieted, o my faille! andwhy art thou troubled ? But how cloth ht take up the contention ? ?ruff in God,he is thy God. So that whereloever there is faith, there is a quiei: foul firft or laft:therewil be ftirring at t he firft,the ¡ waters of the foule will not be quitt prefenri y. As in a paire ofballance, there will be a little flaring when the weight is pu- in till there wall be poile fo in the foule there will be Come (fining and mo ving, it comes not to a quiet confißance, till t her( be force victory of faith with fame conf.Et, till at length it ref}, and flay the folic: for c his power faith hath to quiet the foute, becaufe it botromes the route fo ßrongly (there is reafon for ir) it lets the foule upon God :and upon his promifes. Thor_ fore he that Pugs in God is as mount Sion, youmay himlometime, and move hire, buryoucan- not remove him; the foule is quiet, becauf- it is pitchedupon a quiet objeet. Therefore, where there is cherifhing ofdiflur- bancein the foule, and cheri(hingofdoubts, there is no faith, or very little faith : becaufe it is the propertyof faith to filence the foule, and to make quiet where it comes.' This is one evidence and fhgie of true faith. And this is dtfcerned efpecial ly in times of greát trótble; for then the foul-e of the righteous Is' not difquieted as youhive it in Pfìl. 112. His heart isfixed, t herefore he is not afraid ofill tydings. And therefore this evidence to the t eft,that faith as itbath á quietingpower,fóit bath, a power to free the foule from all bale feares,frorn the How faith quiets the Soule. Flat. 111. Flitch kecpes outbafc fears