to ,God mull be. tru/iedin. the tyranny of bafe feare. There will fume fear, arife, wecarry Eletli aboat us, and fl,fh will alway be full of objeelions, and troubleour peace :but not,vith1fandingit wcll free We foule,(this truf}ing in God) f om the tyranny, and dominion of beft feares. Ifany times or tydings be ()fatly great hard matter; I b:feech you who hath his foule bcfl: cotupofed at that time A found Chriflian that hath made his peace with God, that hath his crut} in God, that knowes what it is to make ufc of God,to repaire to him. But for another man in the time of extremityand trouble : he runnes hi. cher and thither, he bath not a tower to go unto; he bath no place or refuge to repaire to. There fore hee is worre then the poore filly creatures there .is not a creature but hath a retyring place., the poore Conies have the Rocks to go unto, and the Birds have their Nefs, andevery creature when night or danger approacheth,. they have their hidingplaces : only,awicked careleffe man chat bath noir acquainted himfelf withGod, when troubles come , he bath nohiding, nor no abiding place , but lyes open to the aortae of Gods dif pleafure ä therefore he is furprized with fearesand cares, andpulled in pecces withdiflraeïions: he is as a Meteor that hangs in the cloudes, he cannot tellwhich way to fall. But a Chriftian is not fuch a Meteor, he fats [quart which way foever he fais, calf him which way you will:forhis foule is fixed, he hack laidhis fouleupon his God. We fee the difference inthis betweene Sa,41 and David; when Davidwas in trouble he trifled ire the Lordbis God, when