Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Godmuft be trufled in. 1[ when he was ready to be [toned, what Both sail when he was in trouble? he goes to theWitch, and from thence tothe fwords point. Againc, where there is thisexcellent grace of rrufting in God, and the foule is calmed by the Spirit ofGod,to relye uponGod in covenant as a Father in Chirft: it will relye upon God without meanes,and when all things feeme contrary. So theSpirit ofGodwill difference a Chriftian from a naturall man, thatwill goe fo farce as his braise can reach; ifhe can fee how things can be com- pafï'ed he will truft God, as if God had not a lar- ger'comprehenfion then hee. Where hee fees no way or meanes to contrivea deliverance , nor no meanes to fatisfie his delire , there the fouleof a iaturall man fnkes and fats downe : a politician will go as far as reafoncan carry him. But a Chri- ftian when he fees no meanes, he knowes God can make meanes: now when all things are oppofite, ifhe bath a wordof God, he will truft God, even ágainft the prefent [fate and face of things, as lob faith,Theoghhe killme,yet wilt Itruf in him. There- fore in the fenteof fin, becaufe there is a promife to (inners, that if they confeffe their finnes God willpardon them;he will belyeve the fo: giveneflc ofíns,thoughhe feeletheguilt of firme. And in mifery he will belecvean evafion,and efcape,and that God will fupport him in it,becaufe God bath fopromifrd. And in darkneffe,whenhe no light, as it is E/ fuck a ftate beewilltrrr/lin God. As a childe in the darke clafpes about his fa- ther ; fo achilde ofGod in darkneffe when he fees no 5 A retying on God without meanes. Ejny.; o. o.