God .mull be tiíu3teà in. 143 wreftle in other bafer and leffe temptations. As God faith to latoh,?hou art 1/rael,thou haft prevail. ed with God, and jhaltprevaile over me» : foa true Chrittian, that in thegrand point of forgiveneffe of fìnnes (whenhis confcience is furprized with the feare of Gods wrath) path gottenaffurance of the pardonof his iirmes , when hce is tofet upon otherleffer temptations, he overcomes them eai- l-y. Therefore a Chriftianwill truft God (as for forgivenelfe offins, and life everlafting, fo) with his goodname. Oh,will force fay,you will be re- portedofthus & thus; hecares not,heknowes the caufe is jutt,he will trufthis goodnaine'withGod, who will brio& a mans righteoufnefe forthclears as the none day, as . Davidfpeakcs. He that will not truft God with.hisgood name, is ofa bafe fpirir and feare=ofdifgrace keepesmanymen fromma- ny juft anions. He that truly truthGod, will truft him with the righting ofhis caufe; hee will not pull Godsoffice out ofhishands, hewill not re- venge himfel&,`but he will truft God, God cer- tainly will right me firft or laft, he will only ufe the legali meanes and that quietly.Butaman that is not acquainted, with theSpirit ofGod, is pre- featly . moved with revenge, and hathnot learned to overcome himfelfein this conflict. Amanhath gone indeed very farin religion, that can conquer himfelfe in this confli a that can truft his caufe with God when he is wrongedandovercome by might, &c. So our Saviour Chrift committedhis caufe tohim that WAS able tojudge righteoufly. Eve- ry. true Chriftiaa-hath the Spirit ofChrift ;- hee when a With good name. 2 To right his carafe.