Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

144 With pderitr With gof wotkat. God rnuftt be tru/cdin. when hee was reviled, retorted not againe: but f committed the caufeto him that was able to j_idge righteoufly. Shall I be able tocommit my foule to God in the houre ofdeath ; and fball I not in cafe ofrevenge be able to commit my cafe toGod, when I have donethat that peaceably Imay doe e I may fufpea that I am but yet an hypocrite, l have not true truft in God. Againe,he that hat!' learned truly to trufl God for thegrand maine matters, h will truft him like wife with his pofterity,withhis children, without ufing indirea meanes tomake them rich,as if they could not be bleífed unleffe they have finch apor. don put into their hand whenwe dye, as if God had not flock enough for rhem,for the Earth it the Lordsandthefulneffe therof. ,, ,Andhe is the God e thefaithfidandoftheir feed.; Is hefof Then let ws labour to leave our children in covenant, leave hem in a gracious frame and Rate of foule, that theymay beGods children, and thenwee leave theist rich : for we leave themGod riffficterre to be heirportion. Therefore thofe that pretend, hdo this but for my poflerity and children, when they areunjuft and unconfcionable in their gettirig: they make thisdefence for theirunbeliefe : ifthey had true faith, as they truft God with their foules (as they pretend at leaft) fo they would with their childrenand pofterity. Againe;he that truthGod truly, willtruft God. with his gifts,with the diftributionof hisalmes, with parting with that bee hath for the prefent when bee fees it like feed call upon the water