Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

146 Pm;. g. God muft" be trufled irì', knowledge God in all his wayes,Prsv. 3.5. Vie- knowledge God inall shy wayes, acknowledge him to be thy guide, thy defender, thy light, to dìrea thee; acknowledgehim to be able, and willing to give thee fucceffe, acknowledge God in all thy wayes and confultations; and when we have efpe- cially any great matters in hand, Oh, I befeech you lec us learne toacknowledge God. What kit to acknowledge him r Togo to him for dire'c`tion andproteaion in doingourduty, that we feeketo him for ftrength and for fucceffe, this is to ac- knowledge God in our wayes. Whatmakes men founfortunate and fucceffeleffeindickconftritatil ons Becaufe they arefo faithleff, they doe not acknowledge God in their wayes, but trait too much to feeming things,and appearanceof things, they are carried too much with that, Though things feeme to go neverfo well,yet let nothing make us give over to acknowledge G o d nay, when things are never fo ill, let us acknowledge God, for Gadcan fec all ftreight andat rightsagain. AIas, what afmal l matterisitfor him, that rules: Heaven and Earth, and turfesthisgreat-wheeie: of all things, to turne the leffcr wheeles.,to order le fier bufineff'es, and bring them to a happy iffue and conclufion e It is but a little ..matter with his command, feting he rules all things; iti.sb4 tru-, fhng in him, and praying to him , and then ufing the meanes with : dependance uponhiti ',Let us therefore acknowledge God this waybycommit- ting our wayes and affaires to him. We nerd knowledge, and ftrength, and a cotnfortable.iffue, fot,