Godmuf>l be craftedhi. for all that is necef a in our affaires ;: let us ac knowledge God,and. fetch all therefrom him. Well, thelait thing that wee have any ufe of trufting God withall is, when we are dying, to truft our foules, to commit them to God, and yeeld them upto him, our depot/sum, to lay it with him. He that hath inured himfelfe to truft God all his life, and to live by faith, he will be ableat length with force comfort todye by faith. Hee that bath trufted God all hislife, with all things that God hath trufted him;hecan eafìly trust God with his foule; and he that hath not inured him- felfc to trust God in this life, undoubtedly he will never trust God with his foule when he dies, it is but a forcedtruft. Thusyou fee inall the pafiagesofour lives we mutt learne to truft God, and to make ufeof God; for God is fo abundant, that hee is never drawne dry; hejoyes when he is madeufe of, it is anho- nourto him. Let us tryour (elves, by chat I have aid, whether we truly trust God or no; let usnot deceive our owne foules, but labour to truft God for all things. Let it be our daily praEtife in the ufe ofmeanes,look to the courfe that he prefcribes us,and then looke up tohim for ftrength,andbief fing, an fucceffe. This ought to be the life of a Chriftian; Oculyr ad Coelam, as they fay, of the Go,ernour of a Ship, he hath hs h nd to the S.ertie, and hisevero the Pole-fiar, to be directed fy,that : fo the lifeofa Çhriílian,hemust have his hand to the (trrne, he muff be doing that that God 1 prefcribes him : and hee muff) have his eye to the K k 2 Starre !47 6 With our fouls at the homeof death.