148 How tocome to tsuft ira God To !eerrae to know God. In his wood. God mull be truJed in. Scarre tob. guided in his courfe by Gods direCti- on: he that dothnot this, knowesnot what itis to truft in God. How fhall we bringour foules to this fo necef- fary a duty a Indeed it is a very hardmatter: we knowwhatit is to livebyour wits, byour wealth, by our lands : but what it is to live by faith in dependingUpon God, few foules are acquainted with that. Thereforein the firft place,learne toknow God, youfee here we mull trutt in hisname. Weknow menby their names,Godand his name are all co-e, his name is himfelfe, and himfelfe is his name. Therefore let us learme to know Godas hebath 1i_rcovered himfelfe: know him in his workes,but elpecially in his werd, know him by that worke as he bath difcovered bit fc lfe inhis word. Let us know his p tom fifes, and have them in flare forall aleswhatfoever , promifes f. r grace, andfor ddre ion in this world. God will notAleas nor forpkeas, he wine. in all extremities with us, ha the froIndin the tenter ; and-the promifes ofiffue, ff eh: ngs allworkfor goodto them tbet love Gsd and theprom ire ofhis Spirit, Fie willgive his holy Spirit to the m :hot ask him: Betides particular pro. mires a world cf them in Scripture, let us know God inthere promifes, they areour inheritance, our portico. And if we fhould go to God, and nor be acquainted with thefe: he w,11 afkeus upon, what gr©unde How (hall wee bee able togo to Gode Bu t when we havehis promife,we may fay boldly wi,h the Pfaltnift, Lord remember thy pro- mile 9