God muft be trußedhi, 1 149 wifewherein thouhalt carpfed thyfervant to trufl. We may put God in remembrance, not that heforgets; bu: he will have us mindfull ofwhat hepromi- fechand put him in minde. A :d it is an evidence to our foules that he will grant anything, whenwe have faith to put him in minde of his promife, Lord remember thypromifi wherin thou haft comfit/thy fervant to truft.Lord,thou can't not deny thyword, and thy truth, and thy felfe , and they promife, land thy namebywhich thou haft madethy felfe knowne. Thus we fhould knowGod in his word, as it is Pf41.9. They that know thy name will truft in thee oh Lord. We never truft a man till we know him ; and thofe that arenot good, we fay they are better knowne then trotted : but themore we know God, themorewe (hall truft him. And know him in his fpeciall Attributes that the word Pets him out in, betides the promifes, that we may know that he is able tomakegood all thefe promifes, and then wee (hall truft him. What are thofe Attributes ? He hath made him- felfe knowne to be All-Efficient, what a worldof comfort is inthat a He faith toAbraham, Yam God All - fuffrcient,wá kbefore meandbe perfect; takethou no thought for any other things 1 amGodAll-fuf- icient. There is in hits whatfoevermay be for an object oftruft;heis All-fufficient,hebath pow er, our truft is in the nameoft he Lord, that made Hea- venand Earth. There is a confderá ion to ftreng then faith, there is power enougla,we beleeve in a God that madeHeavenand Earth:and there is will to helpe us, he is our God : and there isskill to Kk 3 helpe Paf 9: In bisattri- butes.