Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

150 ( God mull be trtt.fted in. Pfsl. 46. Pfad 36. Experimentall knowle4. helpe us, as S. Peter faith2 he knowes how rodeliver, it is his prae`tif., hehathufed it from thebeginning of the Church , and will to the end : bee knowes how todeliver them,toproteet and Randby them, he hathpower, and will, and skill to doe it . And then againe he is everywhere, he is fuck a 'Caftle, and Tower, and defence; we have him neere us in all times, he is a relent helpe in trouble, as it is P(al, 46. whatan oh;e of truft is here, if we had bur faith to make theofir Let us therefore know God in his word, in his Attributes, and this will bce a meanes to ftrengthen truft, as it is Pfal. 36. How Tweet ss thy goodaeffe ? thereforefhall thefunes ofmen truflunder thefhaddow ofehy wings. Why comewe under the thaddow of Gods wing e Becaufe his goodneffe is fweet, he is a fit objetfor truft. The Things of this world, the morewee know them, the leffe we trufl them, for they are but vaine : but there is fuck in&.niteneífe in God, that themore we know him, the morewe (hall trult him ; there fore let us grow in theknowledge ofGodsword 'and truck. And adde experimentall knowledge, it helpes truft marvelloufly ; theexperienceofothers, and our owne experience: when wee fee God hath helped his Church in all times, efpeciallywhcn they have fought h m by farting andprayer, Our Fathers trufied in thee, and were not confounded, Pfal>rie 2 Therefore if we truft in thee , we íhall not beconfounded. So for our owne experience Thou halt beene my Godfrom my mothers wombe , I have dependedupon theefrommy mothersbroil ; for- ) Ake