45r, radtes Io, z Cent. He6.I ;. 3 l'o exerci$e ruapi,n"all occafions. Q(ai.6z. 'God mull be fruitedin.' than others; therefore I fay, let us be acquainted with him,that wemay after truft him. Thofe that have not the care to be acquainted with God, ei- ther they have not the heart to go toGod, or if they hive,theyhave but a cold anfwer: but indeed for the molt part,they have noheart to go to God:. for their hearts mil give them, and tell them,they have beene careleffeofGod, theyhave neglt6ted God, therefore God will not regard them, Gee to the godsyehave trarted ; as it is , lodges i o. An- fwerable to our care ( beloved) in the time of peace, wiltour. comfort be when we are in trou- ble. Therefore I befeech you it us remember this as onemeanes to ftrengihen our truft, our dai- ly acquaintance with God : and acquaint our felves fowith him, as to keepehim our friend,not to offendhim : for ifwe offend him, we (hall not truft him. A galled confcience is afraidofGod, as afore eye is of light. A comfortable confci. ence is from a confcience to pleafe God. This isonr boldnnefe andconfidence, faith Pod, that we have laboured to keep a good confiience,that we may have him our friend. Againe, let us labour to exercife our truft upon all oceafions: for things'that are exercifed are the brighter and the ftrónger. ' Let us inure our felves totruft in God for all things, and totruft himwith all things, with our bodies, with our foules, with our eftates, with our children, withour wayes, withour good name, with our credit and reputati- on, with all, as l"ffid before in the fignes of truft. Faith it growes in the exercife,as we fee Pfal.6 2 . A