Godaloft be trufted in. 153 A Pfalrne expreffing Davids truft inGod, and the corflid with his fóule in trufting, he begins, yet my foule waits upon the Lord;&c. And irrverfc 2. Jihad àt4begreatly:moved; (faith he;) but when he had goneof, and-exerèifed hisfaith frill, thenhe faith in verfe 6. Me ismy Rock, and nyySaviour, and defence, I that! not be moved. He that at the begin- ning faith, Ipall not greatly bemoved, afterward working upon his heart and foule,-and'exercifing his faith; faith, i fhall »òt be moved, he is my Rock, mySaviour, anddefense. Faith, it is the Engine'by which wee doe all , by -which we prevaile with God, and overcome the world, and all the fnares on the right hand, and on the left,,it is that where- by we doe all : thereforewe had creed tokeepe it in exercife, and inure: it, that we may have it to manage andufe uponall occafions.It is not enough to have faith in us; but wemutt liveby ir, it mutt not only live in us, butwe mutt live by it : this is another way to ftreíigthenthis faith,and affurance, and trufting inGod. The next is to praeffe that I`fpake of in the forenoone, to grow poore in {pint, for they(ball tru/I in tbenameofihe Lord. Let us labour more and more to fee our ownewants. AChriflian fhould have a double eye, one to looke to himfelfe;and his owneAwanrs, to bee abafed,another eye to Gods proniife, to Codsnature, to truft in God; and thus wee fhould paffe our dayes: themore we can empty our felves, the more wee fh.rll b'e filled with God. Wee fee here in the Text the way to truft in God, to be poore in fpirit. The rearon YerJe 6. 4 To bepoo e in Ceirit.