Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

54 5 Ga fanftifica- tion. God rnufi be trufled in. reafon is in nature : whofoever is not poore in h imfclfe, and fees a neceffity, bee will nevergo out ofhimfeífc, for he -hash fome other fupply. Therefore if wewould learne to truff in God, we muff learne toempty our (elves ofall felfe-confi- dence, byobfcrving our weakneffe and wants by rakingnotice, not fo much of. our graces, as o?our wants. When Mofis came from the Mount, his face ¡hone; he knew not of ir, all the world about him knew it b<fdes himfelfe;.but he obferved it nor, faith the Scripture: fo when a Chriflian.con fiders not(Ipecially in. temptations ro pride)-what he harh, but what hewants, how little good flee bathdone, .how many evil thoughts and àc`fiìons have paffed from him,how short he is in fruit - fulneffe and ,thankf:.lneffe to God ; this is the way to trust in Go n : for then wee will keepe clofe to G o D, wuen wee doe fee our owne weakneffe: And let us labour to have a fpirit of fanEfifi- cation, to have our foules more and more renew. ed to trufl in God , or elfe alI other coartes are nothing forwhen it comes toparticulars, if the foulebe not fan&ified , there is no correfponden- cie and harmony bet weene it and God. How can anunfanäified foule dole with a holy God e Therefore we nauf' labour to begood, and to do good, as the Apoffle Peter faith , ro com u t our Pules to God in doing good. Let us labour to bee good, to get grace, and then there will be a har mony, a connaturalneffe betweene a holy God , and a holy foule , and thenwe (hall trill, and rely upon;