Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

God mutt he trufted in: iSS upon him eafly. Wherethere is not grace in the heart fubduing corruptions, when it cornes to particulars,whether to truft in God, or man ; then the foule will rebel' and fcorne (as it were), rufting in God : is will go towits, to friends, to favours, and other helpes. Let a man be never Inch a fcholler, of never fo great parts, when hee comes toany fhifr, if bee have not grace in him , he will chid tine out of pride of fpirit (as every mannaturally is deepely proud) to relye upon confcience , and upon the truth and promifes of the word , and upon fuch rermes;thefebeweake things ; no, he will ftirre Hell rather, and Earth, and all meanes; he ac- counts it greatneffe that he candoe fo. Ir is only the holy naafi that will cleave fall to God, and to his truth and word; for he relifheth it : the Spirit that penned the Scriptures, and the promifes, ;t rules in his heart, and therefore he relifhr th them : Oh there promifes are fweet ! And as he can trust the promifes, fo,he can truft God, becaufe (as I Paid before) he is acquainted with him. Where there is not a gracious heart, there will never be a beleevingtruflling heart. There is in God infinireneffe of wayes offup ply, let us labour therefore for a pruienr heart, to learne the skill of fetching out of Go 1 for all oe- ceflicies. As our want is, TO let us fetch f uppiy from fame Attribute ofGod,andCome promife an 'fwertible.This is the wifdome of the Saints ofGod are we in extremity? then vvith lehojhaphat fay, We know not Lordwhat to do, bnt our eyes are toward abet,. Are 6 Prudcr,ce.