Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

God muff be trsúTted in. (hall be kept from all ill. I mean from the ill of ills, not fromthe ill offente, but from the ill of ills,and from the poyfon ofall ill. W hattoever ill weendure, there ¡hall be comfort mixed with it, and it is better to have ir, then thecomfort : what a comfort is this a they that truji in the Lord, pa W4111 nothing that isgood. He that trufis in the Lard, it as a Tree plantedby the Riverfide, fir. 17. He flail alway have his leafe fiourifh'ng, and beare becaufe he is at the Well-head. He that bath the Spring cannever want water ., and he that is in the Sunne can never want light; he that is at the g, ear feafl, cannever want provition ; he that hath fear_ ned tottufl in God,and can improve what is mhirn,' whatca nhe want a Oh it is thefcarceneffc of or faith that we want comfort, as our faith is, fo is our comfort,and if wecould bring a thoufand times larger faithtografpe the promites, we fhould carry away largercom- fort and ftrength. is ik FIN IS. kip ;Walla. :Wickes. looeQry.t3. i6)7. 157 Ier.t ;,,