Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

1 GodiinefJ'e a hîyfferie. ffead thereofwas written, Iuliu fecundur P4pa They began to fmell,it might be foundout.This is recordedby thole that faw it. It is a Myfterie indeed,but a Aigterie ofiniquitie. But more parti- cularly, How a Mys`lerieofiniquitie? Becaufe under tine Name of Chrift , and of Chrift tan Religion,he is Antichrift, oppofite to Chrift: He is bothoprofite, the word fignifieth Antichriff ; and .emules, one that would be like Chrift,aVice- Chrift. He is filch anoppofite, as yet he would behis Vicar. Undercolour of Re- I_igion,he overthrowes all Religion;andwhile he would be Head ofthe Catholike Church, he is tbe Head-of the Catholike Apoftacie. Thefe God will have in the Church together; the Myflerie of Godlineffe, and vngodlineffe ; of thrift,and Antichrift : Why ? That the one may be a foyle to theother. Andhow (hall men magnific,and relifh,and highlyefteeme this My- flak I fpeake of , except they looke by wayof oppofition to the Myaerie ofAntichrift, and fee how contrary thole courfes-are ? Alas,the reafon why they fooppole,as they doe, the Golpel, and the puritieof it,is,becaiife they arecontrary My- fferies ; that muff be maintained by ignorance: the Gofpel,that is a Myfferie,that mutt be revea- led, and God bath ordained that it fhould be re, vealed more &more. Therfore thole that would fecund Popeuie, that are friends ofthat, they are enemies to the Gofpel,& to the publishers ofit; they cannot carry their convcìance handfornely. All 33 R.Lteft ion. Anfrer. Howitis a Myfterie of iniqui tie. Why God fur- fers the My- {lerie ofini quitie.