Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

40 L Meditation of thisgreat my- Retie. How to ceafe to wonder at woridlythings. Gocd?irtee agreat Myfierie. Therefore, themore cleare knowledge we have ofthe Myfterie of corruption ; how prone our hearts are to deceive us, and of the great tuiferie weare inby nature : the morewe (hall wonderat the boundleffe and bottomeleffe goodneffe of God, in the Myfterie ofour fálvation; the one will (harpen the appetite of the other. And ìn- deed,weought to have viewes ofthere twoevery day, to looke to the flare we are brought out of, awe beleeve. Ifwee be not yet in the fareof grace,confider but what we are how little there is betweene us,and eternall deftruftion; that we are ready to drop into Hell irrecoverably : and withal!, confideragaine the infinite love ofGod in Tefus. Thefe be things fit, to take up our thoughts. Againe , ifwewould have large and fenfible thoughtsand apprehenfions ofthefe things,fuch as theblared Apoftle;let us fet fometime apart to meditateofthefe tlaings,till the heart be war- ned : let us labour to fatten our thoughts, as muchas wecan, on them every day ; to confider the excellercie ofthis Myfterie of Religion in it felfe,and the fruit ofit in this world,and in the world to come ; it is a good inaployment: for from thence , we {hall wonder ar nothing in the world befides. What is the reafon, that men are ta+, en up with admiration ofpetty Myfteries, of poore things ?Becaçife their thoughts were never rayfed up tohigher confiderations. A wife man will wonder at nothing,becaufe heknows greater things then thole obie6ts prefented tohim ; hee bath