Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

without Coutroverfe. _,. Againe, in that hefayth, without controverfie, or confefï'edly., Greet is the Myßerieof Godlinefe: here we mayknow then , what Truths are tobe entertained asCatholikeuniverfall Truths;thofe that without quetfion are received. , Then,ifthe quetfion be,which is theCatholike Truth ;Pope.: rie,or our Religion : I fay, not Poperie, but our Religion ; I proove it from hence : That which without controverfie all Churcheshaveheld from the Apoílles time, (yea, and theadverfaries and oppofitesof theChurch)that is Catholike. But it hath beetle in all ,times , and in all Churches, even among the adverfaries-held , the pofitive points ofour Religion ; That the Scripture is the Word-of God; That it is tobe read ; That Chritf is the Mediator ; That Chriftbath re- conciled God and man, &c. all the pofitive partsofour Religion have beene confeffed, with- out controverfie,ever fnce the Apofles times , of all VVtiters,and are 11 ill, even among the Pei,ifts themfelves; for they hold all the pofitive points that we do Theyhold the reading ofthe Scrip- ture, but not in the MotherTongue :Theyhold, that the Scripture is the WordOfGod, but not alone,bur traditionsalfo : That Chritf is Medi- ator, but coot alone: fo they adde their part, but they hold the pofi tiveparts that we hold. There - foe I ground that from the Text : That which without controverfie bath beene held inall times, -and ages of the Church; andwithout controverfie held by our [elves and theadverfaries , it is more Catholike,and generall,then thole thingswher- E4 in 47 Yfe 3. What Truths to be accoun- ted Catholike.