Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

without (°ontrorverße. Ì 49 flirted up to embrace it. A man knowes nomore -, in Religion, then he loves and embraceth with the affeâions ofhis foule. Theaffetions are planted for thisecad,upon the áhf`! once. ha report of that which is good to them, toembrace man. it,to joync with it: therefore let us nevei Ehinkc our {late good , till we find our hearts warmed with the goodnesofdivine fupernaturall Truths, Oh,hory doe Ilove thy lair? faithDavid.Hewonders at his own affeEtìons. Lec us labour tohave great affec` ions anfwerable to the things ; and never leave,tillwe can love them,and joy and delightin them,as the greateft things ; andwith bleffed S. account allas dMng anddroffe, in comparifonof them.Thatknow ledge is only laving knowledge, that workes the heart toa love, to a joy, andde- light,that workes the whole man to prarlife, and obedience ; that is onely fpirituall knowledge. All other knowledge ferves for nothing , but to All knowledge minifterGodmatterofjuftifyin;ourdamnation: notrwin, condemnef. thatour damnationwilbe jufl,thatknowing thefe things,we doe not worke our hearts to love them, but werefl in the naked barrenknowledgeofthem. It is apittifull thing to know things no further, and sodeeper,then tominifter matter ofour juft damnation.Nowall that havenot a transforming know ledge,that have nota fpirituall knowledge, they are in this flate. Thereforewe fhould la- bour to fee fpirituall things,in a fpirituallL'ight: for where fpirituall Light is,there is alway fpiri tuall heat;where fpirituall evidence is in the un- derflanding,there is fpirituall embracing in the af: