3g Comfort a gaina de. fpairc. Aom3. Godmanifefl in the f le h. Father upon the Croffe , when he cryed, My God, my God, whyhall thou forfakenme Z It was theBrea- tcft abafement to him , being the molt fenfible I ofit; therefore therewas no fuffering, like that of Chrifts. And (hall we thinke, fo great a matter was for fmall purpofe; for little finnes, for few finnes onely ? Oh no ; it was to give a foundation toour Faith, in all extremi tieof temptations ; to fray our Confcience, in I the guilt ofgreat and crying finnes. Oh, de- fpaire not, defpaire not; this Great t1yfletie the Apottle fpeakes of, for the great God to be- come man, it was for great Climes ; that, where Sinne bath abounded , Grace mikht fusper-abound: God intended in this, to fet downe the accufing Confcience, toquiet and frill it. God is offen- ded , it is true ; but, Godnanifeft in thefiefh, bath rnaSereconciliation, and fatisfaEfion r H'eewas a Sacrifice for finne, and Godwill anfwer God. God the Sonne, will anfver the difpleafureof God theFather, becaufe he is appointed to this Office by him : He isfet forth, as it is Rom. 3. tobe the propitiation. Therefore inall rifings.of Confcience in the time oftrouble, in the boute of death, let us remember this Great Myflerie, God man;feji in the flefh. Gods purpofe in this, was to triumph (as itwere)over all theclamours of Confcience whatfoever; over all things that Satan and the power of Hell can objeër : Let Satan objeet what hewill, here is a fhield put into thehandofFaith, tobeat backall his fierie darts. God