Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Godmanifefß in thefle/h. God in the Covenant ofGrace (which is foun- ded in Chrift, in God in our nature) dothintend to be gracious CO finners. It is a greater Myfterie then char, of the Creation: For', God theredid good to a good man; he madeAdam good, and continued him good, while he floods but, after the fall, God intended to rayfe up the doubting unbelceving foule, againft the greatefi ills of fin and defpaire,and againft all objeElions for finne All objeáions whatfoever,from thegreatnefl'e offin ,eitherna. bowanrwcted. turall or aCtualL It is the glory of God in the Gofpel,to glorifiehis mercy and goodnefse, in prevailing and triumphing over the greateft ills that can be. Now he is good to finners, and to great (inners : fo, that if there beFaith wrought by the Spirit ofGod,rayfingupour foules,to lay koldofthis codmanifefi in thefdefb, let us not be difcouraged withany fin; our finnes are but the finnes ofmen: but Godmanifef in thefefb,was made a Sacrifice for our finnes, andbathgiven a priceanfwerable.;What temptation willnot va_ nifh as a cloud before the wind, when we fee Gods love in fending his Sonne,and Chrifls love in taking our natureon hint, to reconcile us , by the Sacrificeofhis blood? Therefore let us trea- fure up this comfort ; it is a Springofcomfort, aWell ofconfolation (as the Scripture fpeaks,) therefore let us fuck comfort out of this Breft of confolation. Wemay turneover things row'(in the time of How Satan preícnts God peace)withcafe : but in the timeof temptation, in temptation. when the foule is touched withguilt, and Satan F 2 plyes