64 Ground of bt.ddneelc. to God. Godmanifefi in thefle(h. } them and Hell. But for fuch as inrea dto turne to God., God meets themhalfe way. We fee the Prodegall did but entertaine a purpofe to come tohis Father, and his Fathermeets him. God inottrff fh bath made God peaceable to us ifwegoe to Cbrill , and lay hold on him for the forg;veneffeofourfinnes, God in him isbecome a loving, gracious, Tweet Father to us. Let us frame our conceits ofGod,as the ScriptureBoth: when farrow for finne poffeffeth our foules,'take heed ofgoing away fromGod , that tooke our nature for this very purpofe, that we may'boldly goe to him. Oh, what boldncffehavewe row to goe to God in ourflefh. To thinkeof God abfoltttely, with-' outGod in theft fh, he is acon[im,ng fire, every way', terrible: but to thinke. of God inour nature we may fccurely goe to lit ; he if bone ofourhone,and. ficfbofourfl,fh.: wemay f: curely goe to God our B rot hcr,to him that is ofof enature with us;and now having our nature inHeaven.Thinle ofGod borne ofa Virgin, ofGod lying ìnthn' Cradle, fucking the BR fl; thinke ofGodgoingttpand down tettching, anddoing all good ; thinke of God fweating, forthee , hangingon the Croffe, fheddinghis Blond .Tying in the Grave,rayfîng h imfelfe againe, and now in Heaven, ¡ttingat the right hand orGod;our Interccffor;conceiveOfGod in thisflefh ofours lovelytous, and nowour naà turemuff needs be lovely tohim. The naruré of Godmutt needs be lovely tous,fincehe bathjoy- nedour pobre begger.lyfleJ to the mìtieofthe fecond